Containerise It.

That's the general idea at least...

Need something to run on any machine, regardless of hardware? Need an easy way to manage CI/CD? Need a process to be secure and isolated?


So you've heard of containerisation. Or maybe you haven't and you're looking for a way to do all of the things listed above and more.

But you've scoured the internet looking for resources.

Your search results would have all pointed to lengthy Youtube videos, Docker, Kubernetes, Command Line Interfaces, orchestration, packages, dependencies, DockerFiles ......

To harness the power of containerisation you shouldn't have to piece everything together yourself via endless hours of scrolling through pages upon pages of various documentation.

That's where ContaineriseIt comes in.

Clear and easy to use documnetation? Done

Detailed guides and walkthroughs? Done

Personal containers and virtual machines streamed to your browser to experiment with? Done

The Community is a major part of software engineering, and it's guaranteed that if you are stuck or have a question about something - someone else will too. That's why there's a Community hub. Where you can host discussions, or post blog-like pages (written in markdown) to share your own thoughts on a topic, or to provide guides to others, or even to just share your own achievements.

If that all sounds like something you can get behind,